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Syndicated Series
Shows 103 - 130
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SHOW #103
- Tyde - with Norman Mailer & Gore Vidal(ad) #105/III
- Nightline Melonville: Kidanapping Of Raymond Shanks #98/III
- Skip Bittman: What Happened? (ad) #104/III
- National Midnight Star (ad) #84/I
- Soapy Maxwell and The Ignapho Gems - Part 1 & 2
SHOW #104
- The Expert from Kovak(ad) #85/I
- Benny Hill Street Blues(ad) #88/II
- National Midnight Star: with Rawl Wit,hers; Kissinger Film/Alan Alda's Friend
- Tri-Promo: Today, Tonight, Tomorrow (ad) #71/Series III
- Kwallada(ad) #80/I
- The Gerry Todd Show II(ad#84/I)
- The Days Of The Week - Clay Collins' Wedding/ Guest: Bill Murray(ad) #105/III
- The Gerry Todd Show II: Tom Monroe "Downtown"/Crazy Hys(ad)/Lost Dog/ C.S.N.Y/Carpet's Galore(ad)/ Michael McDonald: "Ride Like The Wind"
SHOW #105
- DiMaggio's On The Wharf(ad) #105/III
- Ethel Merman's Wake Up & Love Me(ad) #102/
- Mr. Boom Microphone(ad) #102/III
- The Days Of The Week - Update Of #5(ad)
- SCTV Sweeps Week,(ad) #115/V
- The Days Of The Week #6 #105/III - Clay Collins' Wedding
SHOW #106
- Caballero Sweeps Announcement,#115/V
- Sweeps Tri-Promo #1: Jumping For Dollars/Cowgirls Salute Copland/ NIght Of The Prime Time Stars(ad)#115/V
- Prime Time Rehearsel #1: Linda Lavin - Ed Grimley In Control Room
- Green Room #1: Gavin McLeod, Merlin Olsen, Lorne,Green & Jamie Farr
- Rehearsel 4 2: Jamie, Merlin Olsen: "Hat Sketch"
- Master Control Room: Grimley & Ralph Cramden
- Play It Again, Bob(ad) #59/Series III
- The Long Hard War #1: Nazi (ad)
- Caballerols Office: Guy & Gus See Grimley
- Gus & Arlene Franklin
- Preview Of Part 2
SHOW #107
- Update
- Prime Time Rehearsal #3: Lorne Green
- Green Room,i #2: Gavin, Merlin & Linda
- The Long Hard War #2: Resistance Fighter(ad)
- Caballerols Office: Caballero, Cop's & Prickley
- SCTV Sweeps News Promo: Prostitution/ Lingerie Shoi%T/Strip Search(ad)
- Murray's File: Reps Of The Major Net'viorks
- 'Ihe Lone RangerzSho-vT(ad) #58/Series III
- The Long Hard War #3: North Dakota & West Virginia(ad)
- Night Of The Prime Time Stars #115/V - Part 1: Opening & Control Room
- Caballerols Call For Help
- Preview Of Part 3
SHOW #108
- Update #115/V
- Ronco Shower In A Briefcase(ad) #114/V
- Search In The High tech Room
- Night Of Me Prime Time Stars Part 2: Hat Sketch/Tribute with Gavin McLeod
- High Tech Room: Pursuit Of The energy ball
- Dr. Tongue's 3-D House Of Slavechicks (ad) #109/IV
- American Express - with Henry Moore(ad) #74/Series III
- Destruction Of The Energy Ball
- Conclusion - Guy's Speech! #115/V
SHOW #109
- Edith Prickley, Live At the Melonville Baths(ad) #117/V
- MCHT: Count Floyd & "Dr. Tongue-s 3-D House Of Slavechicks(ad) #109/IV
- Farm Film Celebrity BlowUp: Dustin Hoffman(ad) #112/V
- Stars In One: with Linda Hopkins - Part 1 #108/IV
- Melbals Disco Jean8(ad) #55/Series III
- Stars In One - Part 2 #108/IV
SHOW #110
- Edison Gum: with Luciano Pavarotti(ad) #102/ITT
- People's Court #109/IV
- Farm Film Celebrity Blow Up: Dustin Hoffman #112/V
- Al Peckls Used Fruit(ad) #110/IV
- Stretch Your Arm(ad) #63/Series III
- The Days Of The Week - Preview Of #7(ad)
- Chariot's Of Eggs(ad) #102/III
- The Days Of The Week #7 #112/V
SHOW #111
- Fish Flakes(ad) #101/III
- The Sammy Maudlin Show: with William B. - Guests: Daryl Hall & Jobn Oates: "Did It In A Minute" - Clip From "Chariot's Of Eggs" - Part 1
- Moral Majority Wraparound(ad) #84/I
- The Samy Maudlin show - Part 2: with Holly Fawn & Dutch Leonard
- Sunrise Semster: NorTaan Gorman & Conversational Newyorkese II #100/III
SHOW #112
- Mayberline Mascara - with Tammy Faye Baker (ad) #88/II
- Moral Majority Wraparound - Part I: #84/I
- Sunbright (ad) #84/I
- Caballero Spot For Sunbright
- Sunbright(ad)
- Guy Talks To The Sponsor
- Sunrise Semester: Post-iNatal Exercises(ad)
- Moral Majority Wraparound - Part 2:
Critic's Corner: with Bill Needle Part 1 - Sunbright(ad)
- Critic's Corner: Part 2
- Sunbright(ad)
- Critic's Corner - Part 3
- Guy & The Sponsor
- Rolling Hills Alcolholic Rehabilitation Center: with Floyd Robertson(psa)
- Moral Majority Wraparound - Part 3:
Guy & Bill - Sunbright with Bill Needle(ad)
- Guy Loses Sunbright
- Harry's Discount Sax Shop(ad)
- SCTV News: Earl's Ed.: FLooyd's Drinking Problem
- The Nutty lab Assistant(ad) #07/IV
- Moral Majority Wraparound - Part 4: Guy Loses Harry
SHOW #113
- Angel Cortez, F.B.I. Jockey(ad)#09/IV
- Intro to S@ Classifieds: Phil Of Phills Nails with Edith Prlckley (ad) #3/V
- SCTV Movie Of The Week: 'Ihe Nutty Lab Assistant - Starring: Ed Grimley, Senta Schneider and Boris Burgess - Part #07/IV
- Dick Cavett: with Bobby Bittman & "Funny Stuffll(ad) #76/Series III
- SCTV Classisfieds: with Duard Weese Driving Drunks Home(ad) #3/V
- SCTV Classifieds: Linda Voce The Spam Dagger(ad) #3/V
- The Nutty Lab Assistant - Part : with John Cougar: "Jack & Diane"
- SCTV Classifieds: with Dwayne Millage's Dispenser Plans & Edith Prickley(ad)
- Artisans & Their Arts: Tommy Shanks Hall(ad) #/V
SHOW #114
- Pirini Scieroso - 'Chateau La Feet' (ad) #/V
- Farm Film Celebrity Bloii, Up: Neil Sedeka #7/V
- Scrapco Presents: Artisans & Their Arts - Host: Mr. Brad Allen & The Opening Of Tommy Shanks Hall #/V
- Logos Galore(ad) #76/Series III
- The Days Of the Week - Update Of #7 (ad)
- "Caeser"(Russian Show) - Starring: Bobby Bittman(ad) #88/II
- The Days Of the Week #8 #3/V
SHOW #115
- Perry Comols Still Alive(ad) #88/II
- Great White North #: Doug's Earmuffs #54/Series III
- Vic Arpeggio, Private Investigator ad #3/V
- Eskimo Art(ad) #88/II
- Russian Show: "Caeser" - Part : Starring: Bobby Bittman & Johnny LaRue #88/ii
- Russian Show: Today Is Moscoii
- Russian Show: "Caeser" - Part
- Russian Show: Caballerols Office: Guy & Johnny LaRue
- Russian Show: Tibor's Tractor(ad)
- Russian Show: What Fits Into Russia
- Russian Show: Uzbecl,,s(psa)
- Russian Sho-vi: Strelnokoff Vodka(ad)
- Russian Sho-vi: Caballero & NBC
SHOW #116
- Update
- The Ctuisin' Gourmet(ad) #88/Il
- Russian Show: Uposcrabblenyk #88/II
- Russian Show: Hey, Giorgy!(ad)
- Russian Show: Control Centre: Guy & Red Rooster - Launch Pad
- Nia_htline Melonville: Tip O'Neil & Margaret Thatcher(ad) #04/III
- Russian Show: Guy, Dr. Tongue, Woody & Red Rooster - The Blastoff
- Russian Show: Rockets & Satellites
- Hollywood Salutes It's Extras(ad) #66/Series III
- Russian Shcxi: Guy & the President in The Oval Office & Freeze Frames
- Russian Show: Prickley Closing Statement
SHOW #117
- Prickley Heat(ad) #98/III
- K-Tells Stairways To Heaven(ad) #0/III
- Dr. X - starring: Neville Ati-@ood Tonight's Episode: "An Old Friend Returns" #00/III
- The Making Of 3-D Stake From the Heart(ad) #00/III
- Taxi Driver: with Bob Hope(ad) #68/ Series III
- Carl's Cuts II: Carl & Fred Scutz The Movies & Editing #0/III
- Nightline Melonville: Guests: Tip O'Neil & Margaret Thatcher #04/III
- Norton Seef'8 The Making Of Dr. X(ad) #04/III
SHOW #118
- An SCTV Afterschool Special: "Second Nose Job" (ad) #0/III
- The Making Of 3-D Stake From The Heart: with your Host: Count Floyd
with Francis Ford Coppola, Gilda Radner, Dr. Tongue, Woody Tobias Jr.
& Mona Melman #00/III - Bill Needle's Shoot For The Stars(ad)
- Jackie, We Hardly Knew Ye(,ad) #6/V
- Shoot For the Stars: with Bill Needle - Guests: Rirpert Holmes & Chuck Mangione #95/II
- Taxi Driver: with Sid Dithers(ad) #73/ Series III
- SCTV Network Editorial Reply: Troy Soren #6/V
*This Episode also contains the BUMPER for this sketch
SHOW #119
- Long Distance ... Before It's Too Late(ad) #40/Series II
- Jackie, We Hardly Knew Ye(ad)
- Jackie, We Hardly Knew Ye - Starring: Jackie Rodgers, Jr. & Jack Carteittll6/V
- Taxi Driver: with Woody Allen(ad) #67/Series III
- The Days Of The Week: Update Of #8(ad)
- The Days Of The Week #9 #4/V
- Johnny Nucleols Top Of The Reactor Restaurant(Ad) #0/IV
SHOW #120
- There's Justice For Everybody - Starring: Steve Roman(ad) #0/IV
- Half Wits Alex Trebel & Darren Peel, Blanche Ray-Kellogg, Arthur Andrew Liggett & Lawrence Orbach #/V
- Towering Inferno - Part : Paramutual News: Gra7phic & Voiceover: Tatmy Beaver & Gabriel Del-Ray; Caballerols Tour Of Studio A #0/IV
- Towering Inferno(ad)
- Midnight Video Special(ad) #96/II
- Towering Inferno - Part : Restaurant: Caballero Introduction; Sneeze; Telescope; Prickley & Tongue; Hooker & Woody; Nucleo & The Rods; Bathrooni: Tobias & Tongue #0/IV
SHOW #121
- Update
- Towering Inferno - Part 3: Restaurant: Guy's Phone Call; TOWERING INFERNO!!!; Song; Arrival Of Fireman
- Towering Inferno - Part 4: Prickley, Raeburn, Guy, Tongue, Woody & Hooker make their escape; Firemen at Burger King; Group's exit thru tunnel #0/IV
- The Ha-,opy@ INTanderers: Linsk Minyk/ Looking Back (ad) #0/III
- Towering Inferno - Part 5: Nuclear Pool: Death Of Raeburn; The Pole; Grappling Hook; Tongue, Hooker & Woody; The Real Prickley; Nucleo In Japan
- Quincy: Cartoon Coroner(ad) #7/ Series III
SHOW #122
- Shirt Glue(ad) #4/V
- The Happy Wanderers(Debut Show) - Hosts: Yosh & Stan Shmenge #0/III
- Shmenge Travel(ad) #0/III
- The Happy Wanderers - Part II: Guest: Linsk Minyk
- The Happy Wanderers - Looking Back(ad)
- The Happy Wanderers(ad)
- Money Talks - Guest: Hannah Claire-Graham(ad) #90/II
- Carl's Cuts: Carl & Fred Deliver Headcheese & Film #05/III
- Caballero Spot: Letters & Complaints #0/III
SHOW #123
- Bittman Does Dallas(ad) #54/Series III
- My Bloody Hand - Starring: Michael Caine(ad) #89/II
- Money Talks with@Brian Johns - Guest: Hannah Claire-Graham #90/II
- Edith Prickley For Midnight Video S-,oecial(ad) #96/II
- The Ha-ppy Wanderers Salute John William@(ad) #08/IV
- Bubbie's Chicken Medication(ad) #57/Series III
- Midnight Video Special - Host: Gerry Todd Talking Heads: "Once In A Lifetime"; Satellite Report with Tim Ishimuni; The Plastics: "Top Secret World"; Video At-tack; CCCP-. #96/II
SHOW #124
- The True Story Of Billy the Kid - Starring: Ed Grimley(ad) #4/V
- The Happy Wanderers Salute John Williams - Part #08/IV
- Kid Sisters with Cathy Tudor(psa) #0/IV
- The Happy Wanderers - Part
- The Days Of The Week - Update Of #9(ad)
- The Happy Wanderers - Part 3
- The Mating Game(ad) #73/Series III
- The Days Of The Week #0 #5/V
- Great White North Palace(ad) #97/III (Bob @& Doug Wrap)
SHOW #125
- Gene Shalit for Bufferil(ad) #00/III
- Bob & Doug Wrap: Promoters - Guy, Carl & Fred Scutz(Caballerols Office)#97/III
- Maudlin's Eleven(ad) #98/III
- Bob & Doug Wrap: Closet: Bob, Doug, Johnny & Guy - Hallways: Bobby Bittman
- Bob & Doug wrap: Dressing Room: Bob, Doug & Guy; Guy & Edith
- Stars In One: Guest: Steve Roman(ad)#/V
- Bob & Doug Wrap: Way To Go Woman/ Bob && Doug McKenzie's Super Special(ad)
- Bob & Doug Wrap: Guy, Tony Bennet & Lola
- Bob & Doug Wrap: Bob & Doug in Wardrobe with Juul Haalmeyer; Bar:Johnny & Bobby
- bob & Doug Wrap: The Blowdryer
- Bob &,Doug Wrap: The Great White North Palace(ad) #97/III
SHOW #126
- Update
- Bob & Doug Wrap: Great White North Palace - Part : Starring: Bob & Doug McKenzie - Guests: Joyce DeWitt, Morgan Fairchild, Tony Bennett, Don Costa & the Great White Orchestra & Union Dancers - Tony Bennett: "I Wish I Were In Love Again" #97/III
- Al Peck's Used Cars(ad) #97/III
- Bob & Doug Wrap: Great White North Palace - Part : Joyce DeWitt & Morgan Fairchild
- Mayor Tommy Sha@s: Chipped Tooth #04/III
- Masterpiece Theatre: Featurina Dutch Leonard(ad) #4/V
- Bob & Doug Wrap: Bob, Doug & Tony Bennett #97/III
SHOW #127
- Catcher In The Rye Rye(ad) #6/V
- Stars In One: Steve Roman(ad) #/V
- The Days Of The Week - Update Of #0 (ad)
- Masterpiece Theatre: with Alistair Cook - Featuring: Dutch Leonard in "In Celebration Of Alternatives" (ad) #4/V
- Stars In One: Brock Goes Home(ad) #7/V
- The Days Of The Week # #6/V
- Words To Live By: Mr. Marrbo & Banda Brava #0/IV
SHOW #128
- Koffler & Meltter(ad) #3/V
- MCHT: Count Floyd For "Tip O'Neills 3-D House Of Representatives #/V
- Stars In One: Brock Goes Home.(ad) #7/V
- SCTV Christmas Party(ad) #94/II
- The Snake Channel(ad) #7/V
- 'Ihe Days Of The Week - Update Of #(ad)
- Liberace's Misical Salute To The Holidays(ad) #94/II
- The Days Of The Week # #7/V
SHOW #129
- Driftwood Inn: Christmas Greetings (ad) #/IV
- Liberace's Musical Salute To The Holidays - with Elton John, Ethel Merman & Orson Welles(ad)#94/II
- You! - Guest: Sue Bopper(Stein) Simpson - "Hannukah" #/IV
- The Dusty Towne Sexy Holiday Special (ad) #94/II
- The Fella Who Couldn't Wait For Christmas(ad) #/IV
- The Love Spirit - Starrina.: Lola Heatherton with Juul Haalmeyer & The Juul Haalmeyer Dancers(ad) #/IV
- Great White North: Beer Noc. #94/II
- Pre-Teen World: Christmas Edition(ad) #/IV
SHOW #130
- The Official Lighting Of The Meolnville Christmas Tree - with Mayor Tommy Shanks #/IV
- Count Floyd's Have Yourself A Scary Little Christmas Special(ad) #/iv
- The Driftwood Inn: Season's Greetings & the New Year(ad) #/IV
- The Happy Wanderers: A Typical Leutonian Christmas - Christmas Day with The Shmenge Family #/IV
- Neil Simon's NTutcracker Suite(ad) #94/II
- The Dusty Towne Sexy Holiday Special: Guests: Marcie Odette, Divine & The Wally Hung Trio. #94/II
- Orson Welles & Season's Greetings #94/II