This page includes background information on this site, including information on The Webmaster.
About Me
The Webmaster
Name: Shawn, a.k.a. "threerandot"
Age: 39
Residence: Moncton, NB, Canada
Wife's Name: Stacey
Interests & Hobbies Music (mostly classical), hi-end audio, building websites, swimming, Classic Movies (Alfred Hitchcock ones are favorites), travelling, shopping for CD's, reading, walking and of course, Power Records!
How did this site get started?
My brother and I grew up listening to Power Records and the like. After a while, I built a single page called the Power Records Discography. I decided it was finally time to go from a simple page, to a complete site.
Learning Curve
My wife Stacey actually showed me the very bare bones involved in writing web pages. From there I began to research building and designing sites from all over the internet. There were many great sites which were extremely helpful in the information they provided to webmaster newbies like myself. The most helpful being Lissa Explains It All, a site for helping kids to build web pages, but hey, this kid knew how to break explanations down so that even I could understand it. Many HTML sites are just plain complicated. Lissa uses very basic every day language to explain the workings of web design. There are also many more I could mention, but Lissa's site deserves special mention.
This site also went through several designs before I got to this one, which seems to work well in all of the major browsers. Trial and Error seems to be the key in web design. I used to have other sites on Yahoo! Geocities, but as my sites expanded and required more bandwidth, Yahoo's free service was just no longer practical. It kept timing out. I had to find a better web space with plenty of bandwidth and space for the sites I was running. My wife Stacey actually spoke to someone named Aglrond of the Torm Guardians Hall (of which she is a member), who had extra space on his server that just wasn't being used. He opened up a domain just for me and this is where I am going to stay as long as Aglrond allows it. This has benefited everyone who visits this site because of the virtually unlimited bandwith and space I never had on Goecities. Geocities also had annoying advertising, of which there is none here! Thanks again to Aglrond!
No Money, please!
This is purely a hobby and it has never been my intention to make any profits from any websites I have built. I do not pay for this webspace, nor do I make any money from it. I am worried that if I did begin to make money from the site, I might get closed down. As well, paying for a site means that one day, when it gets to be too expensive, you have to find another webspace cheaper. I have been extremely fortunate to have such helpful people supporting this site.
Finally, to my wife Stacey for all of her support and all of the laughter she has given me.